We all want a greenhouse to warm things up. I’ve learned that you can have too much of a good thing, especially warmth in a greenhouse. The greenhouse effect is powerful and it can get roasting in an unvented space in short order. So after all of the effort to build a structure to make it warm we immediately figure out ways to cool it down!
My friend and capable helper Kay Burton is on hand to lend a hand figuring these things out. He built the vent closures on the upper vents and then devised ways to open and close them.
Deer. People look at them differently, everything from Bambi to jerky. In the winter here they become a potential nuisance as they search for easy meals, usually in the form of haystacks. I’m not that concerned about loosing a little hay to the deer but they can make a mess of a haystack rather quickly and I understand alfalfa is not good for them to eat. So with a little help from my local Game & Fish folks I have installed a barrier to the hay. I used this last year and it works for the most part. I think when they get really motivated they work the fencing until it breaks or otherwise comes down. But so far this year the fence is still in place.
After our long cold spell, now that it’s warmed up, the animals seem to want to get out of confinement. This occurs at our discretion, or not, in case of the goats that now can just jump over the fence due to the rising bedding height. And when goats get out, nothing is safe. They will climb on and try eating almost anything, even if it’s to their own detriment. It appears goats and humans have a shared weakness…
A tidbit of information stuck in my head from some previous learning experience is that solid H2O is less dense than liquid H2O. This defies the normal physical properties of most substances where the solid form is more dense than its corresponding liquid form. This is not only significant in the case of water it is critical for life in these colder parts. If ice were more dense than water, the ice would sink to the bottom of the lake or stream and would not only cause flooding but would eliminate the living space and climate of all the creatures still living in the water, including fish. One of the simple but profound evidences of the creation and a Creator.
Unfortunately, we don’t have enough shed space to park all of our equipment under roof so some of it has to endure the elements unprotected. This isn’t good because then the water and the sun has it’s way with the unprotected metal and rubber, etc.
Seeing this photograph reminded me of a book I had when just a budding farmer, “Corny Cornpicker Finds a Home” and one of the illustrations of the equipment braving the winter weather.
I now can explain my tendency over the years to anthropomorphize equipment and other inanimate objects. I take solace in knowing I’m not the only one with this seeming psychotic behavior. Have you ever found yourself cursing at your car or vacuum or computer? Or perhaps praising it for a job well done? I thought so. And isn’t that farm equipment cute when they’re smiling…
Starting today for the next week we have on sale our Boneless Beef Chuck Roast. It makes a great winter meal that you and your family will really enjoy. Plus, since its locally grown, grass fed and grass finished, it has better nutrition than feedlot beef. And you will know where this food comes from. Where did the last meat you ate come from?
Haderlie Farms Grass Fed and Finished Boneless Chuck Roast
Regular $6.50/lb
On Sale $5.50/lb
The chickens are responding to the colder weather by laying more eggs! Actually, I’m sure it doesn’t have anything to do with the weather, just that they reached egg laying age recently and they’re really going for it. So if top quality, no soy fed happy chicken eggs are on your list, stop by and load up.
We’ve recently had some colder weather and I’ve noticed that the different species seem to take in stride the temperatures swings. I’m amazed that with the same “covering” they adapt so well.
And the ducks amaze me, hanging out in the freezing cold water…
It seems as long as the cows and horses have enough to eat they stay warm and happy.
For relief from ski season muscle stiffness and soreness try some of our famous Arnica Sports Rub. Available in different sizes and fragrances. Karrie and Kira are working hard to keep us in stock. www.windriverherbs.com